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A partir del dia 7 de març el restaurant obrirà els caps de setmana.


Els socis tindran un 10% de descompte en els dinars al restaurant (no a la barra o altres serveis)


A l'apartat "documents socis" teniu els documents al dia.

RATES  2020


At the last board meeting held on November 30, the new rates for the year 2020 were approved.

As communicated in the Assembly, from this year the variation of the annual CPI will be applied in the social quotes, as indicated by the Statutes of the Club. The rest of the rates that remained frozen since 2010 have also been adapted and an average increase of 3% in rental of hangars and services has been applied.

The rest of the rates do not vary.


You can access the 2020 RATES here or through the page tab.





Championship Catalonia Clàsicas 2019

September 29




It have begun a signature collecting campaign about to modify the current Law of Sports of Catalonia. Info below:​


prep llest.png



all the members are summoned to the next extraordinary Assembly that will take place


Saturday January 12 at 11:00 p.m.


Place: Salón Social Club Náutico


With the following Order of the Day:


- Ratification Board of Directors

- Modification Statutes and Regulations

- Questions 


As of today 13-12-2018 will be exposed on the Web of the Club the New Statutes and the New Regulation of Internal Regime for study of the partners.


The partners will have until the next day 23-12 the opportunity to send suggestions to corporate mail From then on, no further suggestions will be accepted and only the receipts will be discussed in the Assembly within the term.




On Thursday 13-12-2018, the term for the presentation of candidates for the Board of Directors of the Club has ended. The only candidature, and therefore, winner has been formed by the following members:


- President: Josep Antoni Soler

- Vice-president: José Asencio

- Secretary: Gregori Vizcaíno

- Treasurer: Albert Vilà

- Vocal: José Molino





In the draw for the designation of the three positions of the Electoral Board held on November 29 at 19:15 p.m. at the Municipal Pavilion of Castell d'en Planes, the following results were given:


- President: Esteve Gutierrez

- Secretary: Alberto Tamaral

- Vowel: Igor Alipenko


The next meeting for the proclamation and closing of candidatures will be Thursday December 13 at the Municipal Institute of Sports (IME) of Vic at 12 o'clock.




In the draw for the designation of the three components of the Electoral Board held on Tuesday, November 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Municipal Pavilion of Castell d'en Planes, the following members have been chosen:


- Esteve Gutierrez (member number 100)

- Igor Alipenko (member nº 147)

- Alberto Tamaral (member nº 158)


The formal constitution and election of the President and Secretary of the Electoral Board will be on Thursday November 29 at 7 pm at the same place.




Saturday, January 12, 2019


To all members of the Club Náutico: As announced in the last Assembly, and with the advice of the Register of Sports Entities of the General Secretary of Sport, ELECCIONS are convened for the Club's governing positions.


-Carcs: President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, plus the necessary members


-Conditions for being a voter and a candidate: The permanent members of the electorate and eligible are eligible under the following conditions: being of legal age and not suspending the status of partner at the time of the call or at the time of presentation of the candidatures


-Day and place of the draw for the designation of the three components of the Electoral Board: Tuesday 27 November at 7:00 pm at the Nursery School Entities at the Castell d'en Planes Municipal Pavilion - Gurb (NOT possible at the Municipal Institute of 'Sports - Vic)


-Ministration and election of the President and Secretary of the Electoral Board: Thursday November 29 at 7 pm at the same place.


- You will be exposed to the electoral roll: The electoral roll will be exposed at least until the day of proclamation of candidates at the Club board.


-Records for the presentation of candidatures: they must be done within a maximum period of 3 days, after the object that has been objected to be challenged.


-Proclamation of candidatures by the Electoral Board: Thursday December 13.  


-ELECCIONS: Saturday, January 12, 2019 from 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the social club of the Club Nàutic


-Acreditation form: DNI


** If a single candidature is presented, the Electoral Board will proceed directly to the proclamation of its components as elected by the Board of Directors on the same Thursday, 13 December.


** Once proclaimed, the Club's New Statutes and the New Rules of the Internal Regime for the study of the members will be placed on the website and at the Club's desk, and an extraordinary Assembly will be convened on Saturday 12 January at 11:00 a.m. at the Club's social room Nautical for approval. -We try to remind you that you have the Club Lottery at your disposal, you can contact any member of the Board if it is of interest to you.







El We enclose you in pdf. the results of the 2018 Trail.




On the occasion of the celebration of the Catalonia Championship of Slalom and Figures 2018, at the facilities of the Olympic Channel of Catalonia in Castelldefels, on the 6th of October, we are pleased to enclose the call and the rules of participation. The deadline for filing applications ends on September 28.



For your information, we will enclose the news bulletins of the Spanish Championship of Classics and Spanish Championship of Wakeboard Barca to be held this September. Spanish Championship of Classics - September 22 and 23 in Seseña - Registration until September 14 Wakeboard Barca Spain Championship - September 29th and 30th at the Entrepeñas Reservoir - Registration until September 21st

Dinar social Comiat Estiu 2018.jpg



We inform you that next Sunday, September 9 will take place the crossing of the swamp organized by Club Natació Vic ETB, with whom the club has established a collaboration agreement. The short race will start at 11:00 a.m. and the long after. Since there is no place for vehicles in the public parking area, the organization will indicate to the competitors and companions that appear outside the club grounds. We also recommend coming soon to avoid possible access difficulties. The Club plans to transfer the restaurant toilets for visitors and is working to see the pub open to the public for that day. The boats will not be able to navigate the race zone within competition hours. It is recommended to go ahead and return to the pontoon after the race. We appreciate your collaboration








 at Saló Social del Club






On Sunday the sixth edition of the triathlon of Osona was held. In Genís Grau (Prat Triatló) that was proclaimed as champion of Spain for a week he did it with a time of 1h 12 min, taking 35 seconds to his prosecutor, Arnau Montiel (CN Monorisa), and 1 min 34 sec to the third classified Erik Steninger (Prat Triathlon). The three altars led the group from the beginning. The female winner was Sara Loehr (Roquets), and she was completed by Clàudia Luna (CN Mataró) and Clàudia Pérez (CN Sabadell). The triathlon was a University Catalan Championship, and the winner was Erik Stenninger, followed by Enest López and third Sergi Jurado. 330 triathletes participated and more than 120 volunteers participated to be able to carry out the test.





Remember to return the Form with the updated data that we have sent you by e-mail








All the members are informed that the opening of the 2018 season of the pool area will be the next 






Campionats d'Espanya de Clàsiques, Wakeboard i Wakeskate 


- El passat 14 i 15 d’octubre es va organitzar a 2LLACS, instal·lació espotiva situada al municipi de Gimenells i Pla de la Font (Lleida) el Campionat d’Espanya d’Esquí Nàutic, Wakeboard i Wakeskate 2017.

Us demano que dediqueu 5 minuts en mirar aquests 2 videos espectaculars i extraordinaris, que han realitzat La Federació Espanyola d’Esquí Nàutic i Wakeboard i el seu patrocinador la Liga de Futbol Profesional i el video amb les millors fotografíes fet per l’Agencia de Comunicació Lleidatana Itaca:





Actualització i resultats dels Campionats d'Espanya de Clàsiques, Wakeboard i Wakeskate 


- Molt bons resultats pel  CLUB NÀUTIC VIC SAU el passat cap de setmana a " 2 Llacs " a Gimenells i Pla de la Font (Lleida).


- En l'apartat de Wakeskate, categoría Open, JOSEP DOSTA es va coronar com a CAMPIÓ D'ESPANYA seguit d'ENRIC DOSTA en el 2n lloc del podi. 


         **Moltes felicitats, campions!!**


En l'apartat de Clàssiques, categoria Open de salt i figures, GREGORI VIZCAINO  va assolir el SUBCAMPIONAT en les 2 modalitats, rera Lluis Noguera, el guanyador.


  **Moltes felicitats pel Subcampeonat!!**


 (Tot i l'espectacular caiguda en un dels salts, et desitgem una ràpida recuperació !)




Campionat de Catalunya de Clàssiques 


- Es celebraran al Club Esquí Nàutic Ventalló els dies 21 i 22 d'octubre d'enguany.


- Ens plau adjuntar-vos la convocatòria, el full d'inscripció individual i les normes de participació. 


El termini per a tramitar inscripcions finalitza el 11 d'octubre.






Diumenge 10 de setembre es va celebrar la XXXIV edició de la travessia al pantà de Sau, cursa organitzada pel CN Vic ETB i el CN Vic Sau. Una edició marcada pel nombre de participants, 300 a la suma de les dues travessies, i destacar també el nivell de la prova amb olímpics com Àfrica Zamorano, Marta González, o els exolímpics Marc Capdevila i Daniel Morales.

La travessia gran la va guanyar el nedador internacional d’aigües obertes Guillem Pujol del CN Mataró en categoria masculina i Judith Navarro del CN Sant Andreu en categoria femenina. El primer del club va ser Martí Ranea que també va guanyar la categoria junior masculí. A la travessa de menors els guanyadors van ser Aniol Clavell del CN Vic ETB i Paula Martin del CN Calella, en categoria màster que també fenien la travessa petita els guanyadors van ser David Pujoldel CN Vilafranca i Anna Diago del CE Mediterrani.


- Més Info:   aquí





- El Diumenge 16 de juliol va tenir lloc la Triatló d'Osona, prova puntuable pel Campionat Nacional de Catalunya, i organitzada conjuntament pel Club Natació Vic-ETB i la UVIC, amb sortida al Club Nàutic i arribada a la Plaça Major de Vic.


Amb un total de 30 kms i més de 400 participants es va donar el tret de sortida a les 11h del matí amb la prova de natació fins el campanar de Sau per posteriorment seguir amb les bike situades a la zona de les barbacoes.


- Veieu les imatges aquí


- Info resultats aquí


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